The recommendations of the I.S.R.G. are the considered assessment of senior risk managers working with major insurance companies advised by qualified safe and strongroom technicians and intruder alarm consultants. The work is generally observed by the Nation Standards Authority of Ireland and The Private Security Authority Of Ireland and is assisted by the European Security Systems Association (ESSA) and the European Certification Board (ECB-S).
As with many other products, there are recognised legal European safe testing and certification standards that apply across the E.U. to all certified safes and strong rooms. European Parliament regulation 765/2008 is the legal basis for accredited European certification of secure storage throughout Europe and this includes, safes (EN1143-1), deposit systems (EN1143-2), strongrooms (EN1143-1), secure cabinets (EN14450), and data safes (EN15659 + EN1047-1/2). Certification of these standards is of prime importance when it comes to having accurate information regarding attack resistance in order for an insurer to risk assess insurance cover of safes and strongrooms.
I.S.R.G. safe ratings are based purely on accredited European safe testing and certification standards and having been sourced directly from the Republic of Ireland's insurance industry are the official National rates for the Republic of Ireland recognised by The European Security Systems Association, An Garda Síochána (Irish Police) and most major insurers in Ireland.
For a list of all European insurance rates for safes see this link:
It is important to understand that there is a wealth of misinformation that is still used to sell sub-standard and sometimes dangerous products in the E.U. and this includes safes. Many safe rates and documents circulating in the safe industry today are without any substantive basis, only serving their proponents as marketing tools for highly questionable products.
Such documents or "Safe Lists" sometimes originate in jurisdictions outside the EU and may make recommendations that can be seen to be unconnected to any accredited European safe testing and certification process.
Moreover, such documents and rates are often used not only for the marketing of units both new and second hand that do not have accredited testing or certification and that may be of sub-standard manufacture but also second-hand units some of which are known to contain hazaorous substances such as asbestos.
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