The Irish Safes Rating Group inaugural meeting was held on the 18th of May 2016 at 12 Merrion Square Dublin 2. The group was formed at the request of ESSA (The European Security Systems Association) to make and periodically update recommended insurance ratings related to the overnight cash cover for certified safes, strong rooms and secure cabinets. EN14450, EN1143-1, EN1143-2.
Inaugural meeting attendees were;
When does the group meet?
As all current participants in the group are busy professionals the group only meets when required. For example, in the event of new testing procedures, changes to certification rules or new technology that affects attack resistance.
Who are the group's participants?
Participants in the group involved in setting rates recommendations are all senior risk managers from the Irish insurance industry. The convenor of the group, NSAI European standards committee members, selected alarm and electronic integration experts and safe technicians sit in an advisory capacity only. A representative of The Private Security Authority and the National Standards Authority sit as observers.
Who can get involved?
All participants and advisors in the group have qualifications that enable them to make an informed and non-biased contribution to national safe ratings recommendations. We welcome members of the insurance, safe and vault or risk management industry who have qualifications that enable them to make an educated contribution to our work. Work is completely voluntary.
Does ISRG have a spokesperson or representative?
ISRG is an ad hoc group. It is not a lobbying group, a trade association or an advocacy organisation and has no appointed spokesperson. ISRG has no connection with how CEN votes are conducted and no input with the NSAI. Individual participants in the group involved in working groups, seminars, meetings or when voicing opinions of any description, communicated by any means, represent their personal views only and not those of ISRG as a whole.